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Doggie Stay


Introducing Lauren, a highly qualified dog trainer with a wealth of experience as a military dog handler, trainer, and border force control handler.

Lauren brings a unique skill set and a deep understanding of canine behaviour and training.

With a background in the military as a dog handler and trainer, Lauren has gained invaluable expertise in working with highly trained and disciplined canines. This experience has equipped her with a keen understanding of the importance of clear communication, consistency, and positive reinforcement techniques in effectively training and shaping a dog's behaviour.

Additionally, Lauren's role as a border force control handler has further enhanced her ability to manage dogs in high-stress environments, ensuring they remain focused, obedient, and responsive to commands.

Combining her military and border force background, Lauren employs a structured yet compassionate approach to dog training. She believes in fostering a positive and trusting relationship with dogs, while still instilling essential obedience skills and addressing behavioural issues.

Whether you are seeking basic obedience training, advanced skills, or behaviour modification for your furry friend, Lauren's extensive experience and expertise make her a highly qualified dog trainer you can trust.

With her guidance, dedication, and passion for dogs, you can be confident in achieving remarkable results in your dog's development and overall behaviour.

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Dog training offers a wide range of benefits for both dogs and their owners.

Here's a summary of why dog training is so beneficial:

1. Establishes Communication and Understanding: Training helps establish effective communication between owners and their dogs. Through consistent training, dogs learn to understand and respond to verbal cues, gestures, and commands, enhancing their ability to coexist harmoniously with their human companions.

2. Builds a Strong Relationship: Training strengthens the bond between dogs and their owners. It creates a positive and trusting relationship based on clear communication, mutual respect, and shared experiences, leading to a happier and more fulfilling companionship.

3. Ensures Safety and Control: Training provides dogs with essential skills, such as recall, sit, stay, and leash manners, ensuring their safety and the safety of those around them. It allows owners to have better control over their dogs, preventing potentially dangerous situations or accidents.

4. Promotes Good Behaviour and Social Skills: Proper training helps shape a dog's behaviour, teaching them appropriate manners, impulse control, and socialization skills. Dogs who are well-behaved and socially adept have a better chance of enjoying various environments and interactions with other animals and people.

5. Reduces Anxiety and Stress: Training sessions provide mental stimulation for dogs, helping to keep their minds engaged and reducing boredom and anxiety. The structured nature of training can also provide a sense of routine and predictability, which can be comforting for dogs.

6. Enhances Mental and Physical Stimulation: Training exercises the minds of dogs, keeping them mentally sharp and engaged. It provides an outlet for their energy, preventing behavioural issues that may arise from pent-up energy and boredom.

7. Improves Overall Safety and Well-being: A trained dog is less likely to engage in destructive chewing, excessive barking, or other undesirable behaviours. Training promotes a calm and balanced demeanour, contributing to the overall well-being and happiness of the dog and their family.

Remember, consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key elements in successful dog training. Whether it's basic obedience, advanced skills, or addressing specific behaviours, investing time and effort into training yields significant and long-lasting benefits for both dogs and their owners.

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